Holistic Modeling for Continuous Performance Assessment

Holistic Modeling for Continuous Performance Assessment started in April 2021 and continues up to year 2024. This work provides energy-centric modeling-related information, capabilities, and tools for the implementation needs of the DENiM platform. So far, the main progress has been made in the detailed planning of tasks and in gathering all relevant information and data from the modelling point of view. During the first year of the project, both the development of data quality service and energy modelling principles have been in progress. Integration of the quality component into the DENiM interoperability manager has been completed and demonstrated. In addition, the…


Requirements Specification for Collaborative Energy Management

The work on definition and collection of Requirements Specification for Collaborative Energy Management started on the beginning of the DENiM project in November 2020 and continued up to July 2021. The core objective of this work package was to inform the project foundations for technical development. This included a detailed stakeholder analysis, review of best practices and the identification of domain-specific requirements and reference scenarios for DENiM (Deliverable D3.1, Public).The initial design and specification of a digital maturity tool was also completed focusing on the industry sectors represented by the DENiM pilot sites with an emphasis on supporting energy efficiency.…


DENiM begins

DENiM project has officially started on November 1st 2020. The kickoff meeting held on November 3rd in Virtual mode on MS Teams set the official starting point of the collaboration between the 18 partners. The aim of the meeting was to outline the main goals and the expected results of the project, to introduce all DENiM partners together with their role and responsibility for each work-package.