11 Shades of AI Act

The AI Act, adopted at EU level after harsh negotiations, was published at the Official Journal in summer. This Regulation is highly complex, while its significance and consequences might rival with those of the GDPR. In essence, it provides a first legal definition of “AI systems” and “General-Purpose AI models” and regulates them based on the level of risk that they generate. Its material provisions contain fairly technical requirements and mix transversal and sectoral regulatory approaches. The Regulation also sets an enforcement framework, with heavy sanctions that can be imposed, and an impressive number of enforcement authorities.DENiM's legal partners (UNamur, CRIDS)…


DENiM at Sustainable Places 2024

Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing: Best PracticesManufacturing systems are inherently complex, with numerous factors such as environmental conditions, material usage, machinery, production lines, and supply chains all impacting the energy efficiency of production processes. Various technologies and strategies for managing energy efficiency in manufacturing have been explored over the years. The current challenge is to integrate these technologies into a comprehensive, intelligent, and interoperable framework that ensures substantial energy savings. To address this challenge and enhance industrial energy efficiency, the DENIM and E2COMATION projects received funding from Horizon 2020 under the call DT-FOF-09-2020 – Energy-efficient manufacturing system management (IA). Together,…


General Assembly in Espoo, Finland

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of a critical meeting with our DENiM partners, held in Espoo, Finland. This gathering marked an important moment in our project as we focused on the final stages of deployment and evaluation of our innovative digital intelligence platform at four pilot sites.During this meeting, hosted by our colleagues at VTT, we had the opportunity to deeply engage in strategic planning and detailed discussions, which are crucial as we move toward the project's completion. It was an invaluable experience to align our goals and refine our approaches to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency…


Energy consumption management in Gorenje Orodjarna, using DENiM platform

Gorenje Orodjarna (GO) is a toolmaking company which produces die tools for automotive and household appliances industry. GO is participating in DENiM project to improve energy management of its assetss and processess. With the use of DENiM platform analysys tool tor energy consumption has been developed, enabling us to better track energy usage per machine and process. Based on a data gathering from energy sensors and process data, a energy consumption models have been developed. Decision support system has been  developed, which predicts energy consumption for a specific machine using process parameters and is able to assist in operational decision…


Idener’s Key Role in Advancing the DENiM Project with AI-CORE Technology

In the heart of the DENiM project, Idener is leading the development of a cutting-edge data management platform, crucial for integrating diverse project components with a semantically driven infrastructure and associated services to streamline its usage. Their AI-CORE technology, adept at handling complex science and engineering problems, is integral to this effort. Additionally, Idener's vital role in the integration work package ensures the seamless connection of various developments into the DENiM Digital Intelligence Platform. Their leading role in the execution of the Gorenje toolmaking pilot further demonstrates a commitment to sustainable and efficient manufacturing processes, showcasing the real-world impact of…


Improving and Optimizing the environmental footprint and the energy efficiency during the steelmaking process

Sidenor has identified the necessity of tools for the improvement and optimization of the environmental footprint and the energy efficiency during the steelmaking process. This production route has undergone continuous improvement for decades through the development of remarkable technologies, which have facilitated significant advancements in energy consumption. However, certain energy inefficiencies persist and their optimization is a challenge.In fact, the factors why the energy consumption between two apparently identical production batches is significantly different, are currently being studied.. The focus is on the two steelmaking processes with the highest impact on energy consumption; these are the electric arc furnace and…


DENiM Pilot Interview – MET, G&G

The video interview to our project demonstrator in plastics processing is online on YouTube. In the video you will find insights into the company and the sector in which it operates, the problems identified with DENiM and how they will be solved. Furthermore, there will be space to delve into the enabling technologies that will lead to the implementation of the solutions developed in the project, as well as highlights on the expected results at company level.We invite you to watch the video!https://youtu.be/NsBpWzm9jaE


The Manufacturing Partnership Day

The DENiM project was proud to be part of the EFFRA Manufacturing Partnership Day on 26th September 2023 in Brussels! The Manufacturing Partnership Day provided a perfect opportunity for the project to exhibit and engage with key players in the manufacturing industry to collaborate, share knowledge, and forge new connections. The event's agenda covered a diverse range of topics, including Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation, Sustainable Manufacturing, Advanced Robotics and Automation, Cybersecurity in Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing and Human-Machine Collaboration. Collaboration is a key focal point of the DENiM project to ensure digitalisation and energy efficiency is brought to the…


DENiM Pilot Interview – Sidenor, CiE

The video interview to Sidenor and CiE is online on YouTube. In the video you will find insights into the company and the sector in which it operates, the problems identified with DENiM and how they will be solved. Furthermore, there will be space to delve into the enabling technologies that will lead to the implementation of the solutions developed in the project, as well as highlights on the expected results at company level.We invite you to watch the video!https://youtu.be/iSIiUaRKJF4


FOF Brochure 2023

We are pleased to announce that our new brochure is now available! In this brochure, you will find information on four exciting projects funded by Horizon 2020, all grouped under the call DT-FOF-09-2020 - Energy-efficient manufacturing system management (IA). These projects, namely DENIM, ECOFACT, ENERMAN, and E2COMATION, are at the forefront of advanced manufacturing and processing research and innovation. These projects aim to transform manufacturing processes using key technologies to make them more sustainable and energy-efficient. They integrate energy data into production systems and address the complexity of manufacturing processes. The brochure showcases their efforts to develop energy-efficient best practices…