DENiM will participate in the Sustainable Places Conference 2021 to be held in Rome from 28 September to 1 October 2021.
DENiM will be present in the “Pathways to Energy Efficient Manufacturing” workshop scheduled for September 28th from 15:30 to 18:30 CET.
This workshop will increase collaboration between projects for sister projects FoF-09-2020 (DENiM, ENERMAN, ECOFACT and E2COMATION). To support the development of a more sustainable and energy efficient manufacturing industry, cross-cutting challenges such as digitization for energy efficient production (integration, data management and sharing, information modeling) need to be addressed, the energy twins for production systems (modeling, simulation) and monitoring and verification of energy performance (standards, certifications, tools, KPIs).
Visit sustainableplaces.eu to find out more about the conference and proceed with your registration.